Designation Legend

More detailled information on The Railcar Assocation Vehicle Designation Scheme


A unique vehicle which is essential to representing an example of a historically accurate set for its class.


A vehicle which cannot represent a complete example of a historically accurate set for its class due to loss of other vehicles but is nevertheless unique.

A vehicle of which one identical vehicle also survives where the other vehicle is in poor/incomplete/converted condition.


A vehicle of which there are one or two identical examples also in existence.


A vehicle in reasonable condition of which there are three or more identical examples also in existence.


A vehicle in poor or incomplete condition of which there are three or more identical examples also in existence. Although there are exceptions, poor condition is generally defined as a vehicle which has not seen service in preservation for many years (or at all) and therefore is likely to be in a poor state of repair.


A vehicle which was experimental in its nature and therefore possibly unique but not representative of wider fleets.


More detailled information on The Railcar Assocation Vehicle Designation Scheme