1212 Y7 Railcar

Home Railway

Nene Valley Railway

Location History

Nene Valley Railway 84-89

Current Location

Nene Valley Railway


Fleggburgh Bygone Village 89-04

Country of Origin



Tweddle Animal Farm 04-Nov 11

Current Status

Under Overhaul


Nene Valley RailwayNov 11-Present

Current Livery

Orange & Yellow



TRA Designation



Partner Vehicle(s)




Craig Owen






Record Last Updated

1 March 2025


Preservation Modifications

Preservation Information
Built for Swedish State Railways in 1958, 1212 was moved to the UK and into preservation in 1984 at the Nene Valley Railway, very appropriate as the line was building up a collection of continental rolling stock and was widely regarded as the premier site in the UK for operational oversees rolling stock, so the Swedish Railcar was at home eith other non-British stock.

1212 was made operational and operated some off peak services until 1989 when the owner passed away.

It was movd to Fleggburgh Bygone Village in Great Yamouth where it was put on static display alongside a Swedish steam locomotive until the village shut down in 2004.

1212 was moved to Tweddle Animal Farm in Hartlepool where it was used as an undercover picnic area, again in static use.

January 2011 saw the start of a two year transformation for 1212. It was purchased by an individual who immediately set about returning the vehicle to fully operational condition with the assistance of The International Railway Preservation Society based at the Nene Valley. Work focussed on the mechanics of the vehicle and April saw the vehicle's engine started for the first time in 22 years. The summer was spent improving the mechanics while work also started on the bodywork restoration. In November, the vehicle was relocated back to its first home the Nene Valley Railwaywhere the facilities for extensive bodywork repairs were available.

During 2012 the bodywork (particularly around the cabs) was completely stripped away and replaced. It was discovered that the framework of the vehicle was mainly in excellent condition, with only the panels to replace. The interior was stripped out for assessment and restoration. Over the year a myriad of smaller interior items were also restored and refitted, coinciding with the new sexterior steelwork and body repairs. By May the cabs were completed and work had started on the body in between, which was in much better condition.

October 2012 saw 1212's debut in traffic, the end of a rapid restoration. The vehicle was returned to service in original orange/yellow colours.

The vehicle won the Railcar Association's Railcar of the Year 2012 award in recognition for the dramatic return to service and rapid restoration which transformed the vehicle's fortunes after many years as in static use.

1212 proceeded to provide ten years of reliable off-peak use on the railway.

In July 2022, matching trailer car (imported from Sweden five years earlier following 1212's success) 1987's restoration was completed, and added to 1212.

After two years of running as a 2-car set, in May 2024 1212 was withdrawn from traffic for an overhaul primarily to tackle body corrosion with the largest task by far being the replacement of the entire roof. May to December was spent on preparation works including stripping the interior, popping off the edges of the roof panels where they curve sharply down to join the bodyside and many other smaller prep tasks. Over the Christmas period 1212 was moved into the main workshops at Wansford for the roof replacement and bodyside repairs to be tackled.

By February 2025 the bulk of the roof replacement had been completed following an intensive two months of heavy work. Bodyside repairs then took place.

Overhaul work continues on the exterior of 1212.

Future Plans
To return to service to run with trailer 1987. After the bulk of the exterior overhaul is complete. Significant interior reassembly will be required.


1212 running its first public services as a 2-car following the completion of the restoration of driving trailer 1987, 17/7/22. Craig Owen


1212 operating summer services at Ferry Meadows, 28/8/21. Robert Batty


1212 at Wansford having been run up to check if the period of inactivity had caused any issues, 31/10/20. David Shell


1212 is seen stabled, partly on the turntable and in a good position for public viewing, in Wansford yard, 8/2/20. Chris Moxon


1212 working summer services near Ferry Meadows, 6/5/18. David Shell


1212 working winter services at Yarwell Junction, 14/1/18. David Shell


1212 working Wansford-Yarwell shuttles during the diesel gala weekend, 9/4/17. Chris Moxon


1212 crossing the river Nene at Wansford, 15/3/15. Nene Valley Railway


1212 operating a private charter, 7/5/14. David Shell


1212 stabled in the bay at Wansford, 18/5/13. Nigel Gould


1212 inside the shed at Wansford, undergoing thorough bodywork around the curved cab ends, 2012. David Shell


A smoky 1212 passing Castor in the mid 1980's on one of its earlier runs on the NVR. M Bratley


1212 arriving into preservation, 1984. M Bratley