51228 Class 101 Driving Motor Brake Second

Home Railway

North Norfolk Railway

Location History

North Norfolk Railway Aug 03-Present

Current Location

North Norfolk Railway



Current Status




Current Livery

BR Green (Half Yellow Panel)



TRA Designation



Partner Vehicle(s)





Midland & Great Northern Joint Railway Society






Record Last Updated

10 March 2025


Preservation Modifications
51228 carries 4 marker lights on the cab front which is authentic for early build Class 101 vehicles but not this example. This was part of a project to cosmetically convert the vehicle to a "yellow diamond" Met-Camm lightweight set, of which none survived into preservation. However the project was abandoned before any further conversion work took place.

The vehicle also has several mechanical modifications for easer of maintenence. These include a truck-style water trap in the air system, a loco-style "Spyrex" air moisture valve and electrical radiator fans.

Preservation Information
51228 was latterly part of 101681 until being withdrawn in 2002 and split from its partner during storage at MOD Shoeburyness. Purchased by the North Norfolk Railway plc, it arrived in August 2003 and entered service in June 2004 following some bodywork repairs and a repaint into BR Blue livery. The work also included the “backdating” features of shortened gutters and the return of tungsten lighting to the interior. The brakevan reverted from grey to the original yellow colour scheme.

51228, along with partner 56062, settled into intensive programme of use on off peak services. Being the only power car on the railway, mechanical work had to be done as and when required, the set never spending particularly long out of traffic if possible. This was reflected with reasonably high mileage figures, with 6,509 miles being run in 2005, 5,755 miles in 2006 and 4,381 miles in 2007.

In July 2007 an engine and gearbox were swapped, and work on the final drives was also completed.

In 2008, 51228 ran for 4,917 miles.

2009 saw a further 2,543 miles operated before the set was taken out of service for more extensive repairs. However lack of time/resources, coupled to the fact that 51228 had received much backdating in 2004, meant than most of the work was concentrated on 56062, the set returning to traffic in June 2010. 51228 nevertheless received a repaint into green to match 56062.

51228 continued to see intensive use during the 2010 (1,917 miles), 2011 (5,713 miles) & 2012 seasons operating as a second train at off-peak times, along with evening duties during the tourist season plus winter running. That final year saw the NNR's DMU mileage record broken with 51228 clocking up an unprecidented 8,591 miles!

Winter 2012/2013 saw 51228 withdrawn for overhaul and to complete the extensive repairs which were deferred from the winter 2009/2010 programme. The vehicle's tyres had reached scrap size plus issues with the final drives required a wheelset swap. Whilst on jacks the opportunity was also taken to overhaul the brakegear and replace both engines with overhauled examples. The vehicle also received extensive bodywork, with several panel repairs (such as new window bottoms) completed and the windows resealed. At the front end, the last piece in the puzzle to return the vehicle to as built condition was fitted in the form of recreating the 4-light marker arrangement. Whilst not strictly correct for 51228 (which was built with a 2-character route indicator box) it is accurate for early build Class 101 vehicles including 51228's partner 56062 (which had its light reinstated in 2010), 51228 became the third Class 101 in preservation to carry the 4-light arrangement.

During the summer of 2013, the overhaul received a set back when the overhauled engines and gearboxes were"stolen" and fitted to another vehicle on the railway. 51228's overhaul stalled and the vehicle stored whilst resources were directed on other vehicles.

January 2014 saw work restart. The first half of the year saw the work on the interior completed, which included a cab and guards van repaint. Two new engines were also overhauled between January and August. In mid July, 51228 was moved undercover for final exterior and interior finishing. This involved the rebuilding of the No1 side guards doors and restoration of the aluminium window frames followed by a full repaint into BR Green with half yellow warning panel. The descision was made to represent the slightly later era of green after the unique Met Camm cream lining was replaced by the more common lining as applied to other classes of DMU. 51228 became only the third Class 101 in preservation to carry the livery. The interior was also completed with the saloons receiving a thorough clean, the guards van floor repainted, and the cab desk stripped back and repainted. The interior and exterior overhaul was completed in October.

Due to the locomotive department not having capacity to undertake the mechanical part of the overhaul, 51228 was placed in undercover storage where it would not deteriorate to await space in the loco overhaul programme.

In 2017 the appointment of a new Diesel Fitter into the railway's paid staff re-ignited the project to return 51228 to service. With a new project leader, progress on the vehicle surged and a set of bogies were overhauled over the summer months and later fitted to the vehicle. The autumn and winter period saw more mechanical components restored and refitted to the underframe, including gearboxes and alternators. The air system was rebuilt after all of the components had been stolen to keep other vehicles on the railway going! The electrical systems, which had suffered the same fate, were also completed and tested where possible. Heating and batteries were also restored to the vehicle.

Early 2018 saw two rebuilt engines extracted from storage, but it would be several months before these were sucessfully tested and fitted to the vehicle. After all of the major mechanical components were returned to the vehicle, a series of tests were undertaken and a remarkable number of defects detected. The restoration team refreshingly decided to resist temptation of running the vehicle prematurely and instead slowly worked through the various electrical "niggles" which took a further few months.

In July 2018 51228/56062 ran the full length of the line for the first time in six years during a test run, and the set was relaunched into full passenger service the following month. It ran 2,497 miles that year.

2019 would be another strong year with the railway making full use of the newly overhauled 51228, running 5,002 miles.

In April 2020 the North Norfolk Railway sold 51228 to it's supporting charity: the Midland & Great Northern Joint Railway Society. This was done to raise funds during the desperate times created as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. A "run and maintain" agreement was reached which ensured that nothing day-to-day would change in the operation of 51228. Only 1,164 miles were run that year owing to the Covid pandemic.

2021 saw 51228/56062 share duties evenly with 51188/56352 with 51228 running a more sensible 3,959 miles.

51228 sat out much of the 2022 running season (1,570 miles run) owing to repeated engine coolant issues which took some time to fix.

By 2023 the external appearance of 51228/56062 had become very poor. In response, 56062 was withdrawn for bodywork repairs which left 51228 as an operational spare powercar to cover for DMBS 51188 (if required) for that year's season. Consequently, 51228 saw less use, 1,988 miles, but those who did see it were treated to overhead warning flashes on the front end which had been added for its last season! In the September of that year, the introduction to service of an extra trailercar released 56352 to be paired with 51228.

The overhaul of regular partner 56062 took almost twice as long as originally anticipated, so 51228 was waiting its turn for overhaul throughout the whole 2024 season, remaining operational and paired with 56352 as an emergency back-up set. It saw some use but again its now decade-old paintwork meant it was operated only when absolutely needed. Following the withdrawal of short term partner 56352 from service in February 2025, 51228 became an emergency spare powercar.

51228 is currently operational but is not seeing public service whilst it awaits a bodywork overhaul. It remains an emergency spare powercar in the event of both 51188 & 51192 having issues at the same time.

Future Plans
51228 has once again reached a stage where it looks externally careworn so it is planned to bring it in for bodywork and a repaint during 2025, its fourth in preservation.

Planned work includes replacing most of the window rubbers, welding to the lower half of the vehicle plus any other holes and corrosion found. The work will be followed by a repaint into original BR green livery, the vehicle regaining the Metro Cammell "triple lining" and losing its half yellow panel.

It is also planned to cosmetically convert the exterior of 51228 to represent one of the lost "yellow diamond" Met-Camm lightweight sets. This will involve fitting of a lower bufferbeam steel facia, false waist height jumper cable sockets below the cab windows and modified battery box covers. It will be renumbered E79047 becoming a replica of the first built Met Camm lightweight power car.


E51228 (right) posed for an impressive all-green Class 101 lineup in Weybourne yard, with M51188 (left) and M51192 (centre). At the time of writing, this was the only time three vehicles of the same class and carrying the same colour had been lined up in preservation, 2/5/24. Chris Moxon


E51228 (right) posed for an impressive all-green Class 101 lineup in Weybourne yard, with M51188 (left) and M51192 (centre). At the time of writing, this was the only time three vehicles of the same class and carrying the same colour had been lined up in preservation, 2/5/24. Chris Moxon


By the 2023 season E51228's external appearance had become poor. For the Mixed Traction Gala, the vehicle was spruced up with paraffin before being added to M51188/M56352 as a 3-car set for the weekend for something different. E51228's normal partner was out of service for bodywork at that time. The set is seen through the trees at holt station whilst waiting between services, 11/6/23. Chris Moxon


E51228 had the task of working the very last DMU service of the year for 2022. Seen here at Sheringham after arrival of the final service, ready to return to the depot, 30/10/22. Chris Moxon


E51228 (left) crossing M51188 at Weybourne during the Mixed Traction Gala, which saw the first passing of two Metro Cammell sets along the line since BR days, 25/7/21. Chris Moxon


E51228 (right) stands next to M51188 in the carriage sidings at Sheringham during the Mixed Traction Gala, 24/7/21. Dom Shaw


E51228/E56062 trapped on shed during the Covid-19 pandemic, seen during a security patrol, 14/4/20. Chris Moxon


E51228/E56062 between Sheringham and Weybourne on an empty coaching stock working after the end of the day's services. The low February sun has an evening look to it despite it being not long after 4pm, 22/2/19. Chris Moxon


E51228/E56062 pause at Holt for mechanical checks during the set's test run after passenger services had finished. This was the first time E51228 had worked to Holt for six years, 23/7/18. Chris Moxon


E51228 at Weybourne after being washed. It was very dusty having spent 12 months inside the workshops, 22/2/18. Chris Moxon


E51228 on the lifting jacks having overhauled bogies fitted, 12/11/17. Chris Moxon


E51228 at Weybourne having been extracted from storage in order to surrender its bogies to keep M51192 in service, 6/11/15. Chris Moxon


E51228 at Weybourne soon after its protracted bodywork repairs and repaint were completed, the vehicle was then returned to store to await mechanical parts and completion of its overhaul, 20/10/14. Chris Moxon


E51228 undergoing a repaint in the C&W workshops, 26/6/13. Paul Moxon


E51228 undergoing external overhaul which was deferred from the winter 2009/2010 programme, 29/12/12. Tony Smith


E51228 & E56062 pass bridge road carriage sheds on the approach to Holt, 20/6/12. Chris Moxon


E51228 & E56062 cross Bridge 303 between Weybourne and Sheringham, 20/6/12. Chris Moxon


E51228 & E56062 approach Weybourne, 20/6/12. Chris Moxon


Being shunted around Weybourne depot by a Class 03, 9/8/10. Chris Moxon


On an ECS run from Weybourne-Sheringham, 2/8/10. Chris Moxon


Operating a high season evening service, passing Dead Man's Hill, 2/8/10. Chris Moxon


Returning to Sheringham, 2/8/10. Chris Moxon


Calling at Kelling Heath Halt, 2/8/10. Chris Moxon


Returning to Sheringham on the last train of the day, 2/8/10. Chris Moxon


At Sheringham about to operate a "behind the scenes" special, 20/7/08. Chris Moxon


Framed under the road bridge at Weybourne, 20/7/08. Chris Moxon


An alternative view at Weybourne, 20/7/08. Chris Moxon


At Weybourne, 2/7/08. Chris Moxon


Rounding the curve at Bridge 299, on the approach to Holt on the last train of the day, 29/6/08. Chris Moxon


Returning to Weybourne depot, its duties completed for the day, 29/6/08. Chris Moxon


Returning to Weybourne depot, its duties completed for the day, 29/6/08. Chris Moxon


Undergoing minor mechanical work in Weybourne works, 28/6/08. Chris Moxon


Waiting time at the rebuilt Holt station, 15/8/07. Chris Moxon


Running past Dead Man's Hill, 5/8/07. Chris Moxon


Returning into Sheringham, passing the Golf Course, 5/8/07. Chris Moxon


Passing Kelling Heath Crossing, 5/8/07. Chris Moxon


Working up the 1-in-80 Kelling Bank on the last train of the day, 5/8/07. Chris Moxon


Stabled in the headshunt at Weybourne, 30/7/06. Chris Moxon


101 681 rolls into Weybourne on the North Norfolk Railway, led by 51228, 12/7/04. Daniel Adkins


51228 stands in the platform at Weybourne (with 54062 behind) mid restoration with the undercoat paint evident. It had been moved there during the railway's shut season in order to access the secondmans side at platform level. Of particular interest are the dummy waist height jumper cable sockets below the drivers windscreen, which were added as part of the original scheme to cosmetically recreate a Met-Camm Lightweight set. Before the project gained any further traction however, there was a change of heart and 51228 was restored as a conventional 101 instead, 19/1/04. Jim Platt


51228 on the North Norfolk Railway, 12/9/03. Stuart Mackay





View of the cab controls, 26/7/08. Chris Moxon


The cab, drivers side, 26/7/08. Chris Moxon


The cab, secondmans side, 26/7/08. Chris Moxon


The front saloon, note the reinstated tungsten lighting, 26/7/08. Chris Moxon


The middle saloon, note the reinstated tungsten lighting, 26/7/08. Chris Moxon


The guards van, brightened up by original cream paint and a new floor colour, 26/7/08. Chris Moxon


View of the cab controls, 18/8/07. Chris Moxon